How To Interview The Right Employees

4 min read

How To Interview The Right Employees

Job interviews are the initial and vital process in hiring and keeping competent workers. It opens an avenue wherein the office can be able to pinpoint some potential warning signals on a candidate such as lack of preparation, lack of sufficient work samples, and irreconcilable work history. It will also uncover the strengths of an applicant, guarantees a perfect fit in ability, skills, and qualifications as well as meeting the right expectations with salary, compensations and other benefits. In turn, the candidate can also learn the demands that the job requires, have an insight into the culture of the office, and assess if salary and other benefits offers will be worth it.


The interview process will allow both parties to share information, asks questions and establishing early signs of a professional working relationship and determine if both parties can be able to demonstrate rapport in working together.

As time goes by, the Interview process has also evolved. Technology has caught up with new trends for interviewing prospective applicants. However it may change, it still covers the basics of conducting a successful interview that would help you get great results in bringing the right employee on board your company or office.

Here are useful tips on how to interview the right employees

1. Set the tone – Be as welcoming as possible. Give the candidates a welcoming atmosphere so that the interview process is relaxed and will run smoothly. Explain how the interview will go on and be sure to follow the format closely.


Determine how you will open the discussion by introducing yourself and what you do so that candidates will have a better understanding of what your role is. Resist the temptation of going to your detailed questions right away. Let them be comfortable first by giving a little chit chat or small talks by asking easy questions.

2. Be prepared for the interview - It’s always good to be prepared especially when it comes to interviews. As potential candidates take time in finding out your office, so should you as interviewers are ready to assess and evaluate potential candidates properly and promote the company’s brand to them more effectively. Besides, being prepared will leave a good impression of your company’s professionalism and good work ethic as part of your cultural work environment among candidates.

3. Get ready with interview questions – Using interview questions prepared beforehand is a great tool as a guide in getting to know your candidate’s likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It will also give you a clear understanding of each candidate’s skill level and assess their readiness to be a part of your team. Try to avoid overused and generic questions like “what is your weaknesses” instead dwell more on behavioral or situational questions that will make them think and tell their stories. It will manifest insights on backgrounds, behaviors, attitudes, and opinions.


4. Prepare also to answer questions – Remember that job interviews are two-way streams. The interviewer assessing the candidate if he will be fit for the job and the candidates will also want to determine if the business can fulfill their aspirations and be a good place for them to work. If you will answer their questions in a relevant and transparent way then you can generate an awesome candidate experience and help showcase your company’s mission and vision, perks, and benefits, projects, directions and goals in a way that will help candidates to decide if this is the office they want to work with.

5. Close the interview – Before walking the candidates out, make sure that the candidates understand fully what the job is about and grasp an understanding of what your company is and its core value. Clarify if there are any issues or questions that you weren’t able to discuss and resolve it directly. Give them enough time to ask further if there are any more questions they like to ask. If there be none, thank them for their time and let them know what will be next step and when will they hear from you.

Illegal job questions can get information from job candidates that can be used to discriminate them. Asking such illegal questions on job interviews can result in charges of discrimination, investigation, and lawsuit if the issue is not resolved.

Here are illegal questions to avoid in a job interview

1. Age – The only circumstances that you can ask age-related questions is when the job roles have a legal requirement for an employee to be over the age of 18 or 21 in the case of jobs serving alcohol in a bar. You can directly ask the age of the candidate and ask proof.

2. Citizenship – According to the Immigration Reform and Control Act, an interviewee cannot ask if a candidate is a legal citizen in the United States instead you can ask if they are authorized to work in the United States.

3. Marital Status – Asking if a job applicant is married, divorced, and single or separated are illegal as well as questions about pregnancy and having children in the future should be avoided. However, you can ask their availability if they can work overtime, travel frequently or can work on an assigned shift.


4. Disabilities – It is prohibited for businesses to refuse an applicant for a position because of mental and physical disabilities according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. However, you can ask if a person can perform the job or duties or if they have performed this job in the past and how successful was it.

5. Health concern – You cannot ask a person regarding his health status nor can you discriminate a person on a job based on their weight, height, or addictions to drugs, alcohol or nicotine.

Hiring the right person for the right job can be challenging and crucial for businesses. It could be expensive and time-consuming but when interviews are in place and done right, it could pay you back with positive employee productivity, high morale in your workplace, ensure good employment relationships and overall favorable implications on your business.

Loc Dang
Loc Dang

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