Noah Smoothie 260ml

+ Minimum ADD TO CART/QUOTE: 1 bottle

Choose 4 creative best smoothie flavours:

  • Orange Smoothie 260ml (Orange - Apple - Guava - Banana - Pineapple - Pawpaw)
  • Green Smoothie 260ml (Apple - Peach - Kiwi - Mango - Lime)
  • Red Smoothie 260ml (Apple - Guava - Blackcurrant - Strawberry - Blueberry)
  • Watermelon Smoothie (Apple - Watermelon - Mint)

Indulge in our nutrient-packed Noah Smoothie! Bursting with creativity and fruit, it's the ideal energy boost. Enjoy our eco-friendly glass bottles made with 30% recycled materials. Nourish your body with vitamins and contribute to a greener planet all in one delicious sip.